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Financial news: How to predict the stock market and why stocks are being traded? In our Newsletter of September 2007 we talk about this in detail, but lets look here at some variables!

Real Estate and the appearance of prosperity: Recently, the credit expansion continued and thus there was a good flow of money. A good engineer will point out that the flow of anything can mean just about nothing or complete disaster! What is important is the velocity, the rate, and how it is controlled!

In a rate of absorption (flow), the discussion become very linear and trends tend to become "predictable" because, having controlled all the variables, you have to be able to repeat the experiment. This can be done in science to produce theoretical results. But, this is never complete reality!

Investors came in, other buyers were streching their budget and now we have too many shaky assets, too many empty homes (some investors are just walking away...), not enough buyers, reduced prices (deflation) and peope wanting to turn homes like stocks! In our October 2007 Newsletter we developed this idea.

Stock market trends - Cause and effect:

Interest rate is lowered = results stock rebound

Deflation = stocks will go even lower

Interest goes lower = bonds will mover higher

Start paying debt = usually done with money

Demand for money up = value of money increase

It's a science where all the variables can be controlled and predicted! See...we told you that it's easy.....NOT!


APPLIED KNOWLEDGE: If all the variables could be clearly predicted and linear, one clearly after the other, then it could be predicted. But all variables change at different times, in variable increments, at different rates, some in response to others, some in response to "perceptions"!

APPLIED KNOWLEDGE: When there is a great demand, value increases up to a point, then when the market is saturated, the experts are long gone and are reaping profits. Next, they move to create a new scheme to generate new needs which will increase value--a cycle for all products and investments. Example: new schemes to create demand are continually used in the car business (why do you think that cars always move up-market?)

...we expand on these ideas in our September 2007 Newsletter...